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laundry service

Since I got married then became a mum, I allowed myself to lose everything that made me part of the human lot. Being a writer. (No really, I was a professional writer before the Internet mocked writing as “anybody could write”). I wrote in the real world. Blogging, yes I admit, was fun-writing. A soul release. I got paid to promote product and service by writing, and not by placing actual or visual ad on my website/blog. I felt disgusted eventually. I felt like a literary prostitute.I sold by the number of words. Eww! Eek!

I lost interest in writing, both professionally and leisurely. I started travelling. It took up a new watersport called skimboarding. I wrote again. I wrote about skimboarding. I wrote about skimboarding season. I wrote about anything skimboarding. I even made a brand for it. It was fun until I was not anymore. See, politics ruined it all. I was devastated.

I did good things for the human lot back in my skimboarding days. It even had a domino effect. That one, made a joy in my heart. Giving. Charity. Having gratitude too.

I thought about my past realising I did it all right. Being selfless and all. Like all other good things, it ended.

Now, I am a mum with a life-threatening conditions. Ill here, disease there. A lifetime of treatment and medications. But, I soldier on because of my eight-year-old. I could not even leave this life because nobody could take care of my child. Not his dad or his family, not mine either. I’d like to talk about my husband, but I do not like to wake the demon of my helplessness.

I want to talk and write about joy, and this temporal life from hereon. I want to help other through the One True God’s graces. That is why this kind-of spin-off blog come to fruition. I launch it as the Labada Laundry Service Co for the spirits and souls. The name is redundant since labada also means laundry.

I might be talking in duality. Mixing Bisaya (a Filipino language) and English. Just because I do not want to forget. It has been a long time since I talk in my native tongue, least not talk per se without telling my child off or arguing with the husband. It is one of my wishes To have a person, an actual very real person; To talk with about the Triune and True God, His Holy Mother Mary; His beloved angels; the entire Heavenly Court of saints, martyrs, apostles, virgins, etc., and those which are called His enemy and the emissaries from Sheol.

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#Catholic #Catholicism #laundry #prayer request